Financial aid program
We're pleased to announce that, thanks to the generous sponsorship of the PSF, the PyConES 2015 Team is starting a financial aid program for all those who want to attend the conference who may be in need of auxiliary funding, endowed with $ 3000 to be distributed among the selected applicants.
You can send your application until 00:00 CEST, October 10th, and it must contain a brief introduction, a description of why are you interested in attending PyConES 2015, the demanded amount and some justification (transport, lodging...). After the due date the organizing team will consider all the applications, and those accepted will be totally or partially funded.
Applications can be sent from now to
When distributing the funds, the team will take several aspects into account, including:
- whether the applicant is a speaker or not (talk or workshop),
- the financial situation of the applicant (priorizing those without income, like students or unemployed),
- distance (priorizing those coming from further away), and
- effort shown in optimizing costs (search of most convenient means of transportation and lodging).
When the team resolves the applications, we will get in touch with the accepted ones so we can reimborse the expenses, conveniently justified with invoices or recipes.
We ask our readers to spread the word so this information can reach those who truly need it, see you at PyConES ;)